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Saturday, November 29, 2008

2 Days to Prom

Its 2 more days to prom night!
Yesterday, Mel and I ransacked town trying to find stuff for prom.
It was tough and we looked at all the wrong places.
But in the end, everything turned out fine and we were both dead tired.
Its the first time I'm actually shopping.
I didn't even know how to buy a shoe.

This is not how I'll look.
I'm going to wear a black shirt instead.
Don't wanna look like a waiter.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Wild Child

I caught Wild Child with Mel today.
It was quite a good movie, not a brainless bimbotic show.
Kind of like House Bunny but more British.
It was really funny and really made me laugh.
I would say its worth the money.

Anyway, we had lots of fun trying to speak good english.
Hitting each other's head each time we spoke singlish.

Going shopping for prom stuff tomorrow.
Kind of eggciting, hopefully I'll find what I need.

Time is running out.
Theres so much I want to do but I've only a short while before NS.
Feeling kind of stressed for some reason.
Hope I'll make the full use of the time I have.

I can't wait for Christmas though.
Going to bring good news and joy and the spirit of giving to young kids.
And someone special is going to be there with me. :)

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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

In the night.

My headache is killing me.

I went to school today to join the J1 in their basketball training.
I've really become quite unfit.
I can't seem to keep up with the J1s.
Its been so long since I had training.
We did physical at first and that really made my head spin.
I could barely hold my head up.
Towards the end I felt much better and was able to play a full court match with them.
My team won.

After training,
I went to Toa Payoh to eat with some of the J1s and get to know them a little better.
Then I went to get some materials for a secret project.
And then headed home.

I'm dead tired.
My head is spinning.

I've been forming the milky way for 2 hours.
25 done!
Only another 175 to go.
Really hope she'll like it :)

Shall continue when I'm feeling much better.

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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Kids Camp 2008

I'm back from kids camp.

I was the leader of Othniel.
Its members are:
Cecilia (Chicken Dance girl, the most adorable and friendliest)
Petrina (Shy girl who didn't want to take part in the skit cause she had to say a few words)
Song Yi (Smart girl)
Matthias (Mervyn's bro)
Wai Jian (Hand holder no 1, Hugger and kisser)
Marcus (Hand holder no 2, called me Lao puo[Grr...])
Sherwyn (pretended to be marcus)
Daniel (Potential best camper, goody good boy)
Shane (Home-sick boy)
Nathaniel (Evil looking kid who teased me for 3 days for having a girlfriend)

Not forgetting... Ligory (THE group crasher, problematic kid, big bully, public meanace)

Yep so that was the whole group, all P1 to P3 except Ligory, I've no idea hold old he is caused he crashed our group and I didn't want to ask.

So the whole weekend was spent chasing kids, shouting at them, losing my voice, planning a skit, more shouting, more chasing, doing morning devotion, serving food, late night suppers, playing Handy-Plas (a game where you wack your friends tighs really hard till it leaves marks) and walking great distances around the church and in Hort Park. I think I walked more than 10 km during the stay.

10km seems like a short distance until you realised you have to chase after kids, make sure that the problem kid doesn't go missing, the kids dont get bang down by cars or people, make sure they stick to the group, not be irritants to the public, drink enough water, etc..

Well, the point is that I'm dead tired from all these 3 days.

But, the purpose of the camp was met.
4 of the kids gave their lifes to God.
Cecilia, Shane, Marcus and Sherwyn.
Yep, it was really encouraging.

Its really nice to have kids just trusting you so easily and bonding with them so quickly.

Anyway, its time for me to adjust back to the real world where kids dont traumatise you.

Oh, I received a letter congradulating me for being the top 25% in my school(CJC) and offering me an edusave merit bursary if my family has an income of less than $4000, which we do not qualify.

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Friday, November 21, 2008


I'm going to help out in Kids camps.
Gotta be there at 7.45am.

I'm feeling so unprepared.
I kind of dont feel like going suddenly.
Not sure why.

Hey honey,
I had a really great time walking down orchard road today.
We had so much laughter and fun.
I'm starting to really miss you suddenly.

I feel so lost.
I hope I'll still be nice to the kids and have fun with them.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Drown the old Adam.
The one that kept repeating his mistakes thinking he can get away with them.

I know I can never hide anything.
And I can never bare to.
I ask for your forgiveness.

I need courage.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I had my last A level Paper today.


I'm super drained out now.

I went bowling and Ice skating with my class guys.

I had to do 38 push ups cause I got 95 points and the top guy got 133.

For Ice skating, I got 2 new blisters, sigh.

Anyway, I got to spend good time with Mel over the past few days.

I'm going to teach her how to play the guitar before I enter NS.

Mel came over yesterday to accompany me to study for my physics MCQ.

I got to cook fried rice for her.

And I'm going on a mission trip with her, her mum, and her aunty!

I'm really excited about the trip.

I really hope language wont be a barrier for me.

I've been 1 year since my last mission trip to Cambodia and I really want to do something meaningful before I go into NS.

We've going to take a bus from Singapore to Thailand.

Yes a bus, but saving on travel fare means we can shop more.

I have no complains about that.

I can't wait.

Oh yes, kids camp is coming!

21-23 Nov.

I've quite a lot of responsibility being a group leader.

I'm a guitarist for the camp too.

I've to plan a skit for them, lead devotions, and take care of kids, and more kids.

Phew hope I survive the 3 days.

Oh yes, on Saturday, my mum bought me a Vox Tonelab Le!

Just what I needed to play for worship.
I'm really glad and can't wait to serve God with it.


Saturday, November 15, 2008


Lets go back to the start.

The times we kept wondering how each other felt.

The times we were happy just seeing each other.

The times that we were contented.

I guess a long the way, we lost track of each other.
We've come to expect too much from one another.
Lets find our way back, and remember how blessed we are that we've made it this far.
Lets remember our favourite past times.
Lets remember our dreams.

Let me win your heart all over again, just like before.

When your heart smiles, is when mine will too.


Friday, November 14, 2008


Well after all that hard work and sleepless nights.
All the worry and anxiety, all the crazy memorisation.
All the crankiness and moodiness.

I'm only left with my final physics MCQ paper.
I'm so relieved.
No more Geography!
No more econs, no more maths, no more GP.

I'm going to sleep and not wake up till tomorrow afternoon.
I'm going to have a long tiring weekend in church though.
I've STOMP practice on Saturday from 2-5 Pm and Kids Camp meeting from 1.30 - 6pm.
I need rest!

Oh yes, I cannot neglect my Physics MCQ.
If I do well for it, I might possibly get an A.
But well I'll leave my results to God.

Oh yes, today is our 7th month together :)
I went to pick mel up after her school and went over to her house.
She wrote my this really sweet letter that really cheered me up.
Hello you, thanks for always encouraging me everytime I complain that I'm so stressed and feel like giving up.
Thanks for enduring all my crankiness.
Thanks for all your sweet surprises.
Thanks for reminding me that God is always watching over me and carrying me through.
Thanks for being there always :)

The A levels would have been a lot tougher if I didn't have her cheering me on all the way.

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Its so difficult to love my sister.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I just hope it'll all be over.
Enough of studying.

I just want to sit back and spend the time with you.

I can't say how lousy I feel.


Quite stressed out over economics.
Can't seem to bring myself to sit down and study.
I think I'm pretty burnt out and its just the last stretch.
Oh well, got another 6 hours to the paper.
I'm quite tired.


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Here I am a sinner broken and in need of you

Dear God,

I'm sorry.
I've let you down time and again.
I wonder how you are feeling now.
I really did not mean to.

My mind was clouded.
I lost sight of you.
I'm selfish, always wanting your blessing but forgetting to obey you.
Let me start all over again.

I want to be right with you again.
Show me Lord, who you want me to be.
I want to testify of your love again.
To be blameless just like Jesus.
Forgive me Father.

I want to put you on the throne again.
Take control of my life.
Lead me into righteousness.
I want to rely on you again, not my own strength.

You are why I live.
Soften my harden heart, let me feel how you would feel.
Please forgive me.

This is my prayer.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Press on

Hello girl in blue,
This is to help us get through this tough time.
Today is Day 1.
We'll soar on wings like eagles together.
To never never land where we'll find rest.

Friday, November 7, 2008


I've completed all my Maths paper.
GP and Maths down.
Physics, Econs and Geog to go.

Anyway, today is Honey Shine Day.
I prepared honey water for Mel early in the morning.
Then brought her out for lunch after the Maths paper at Adam Road and then Island Creamery.
Yep we had lots of fun!

We were both quite tired though, and fell asleep on the way back.
We'll I'm glad we could still spend time together during this Honey Shine Day.

Lets start the count again, we'll count together.

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Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Papers I have taken so far:
General Paper 1 & 2
Geography Paper 1
Physics Paper 3
Maths Paper 1

Papers left:
Maths Paper 2 (Tomorrow)
Physics Paper 1 (Monday)
Econs Paper 1 (Tuesday)
Econs Paper 2 (Wednesday)
Geography Paper 2 (Thursday)
Physics Paper 1 (18th Nov)

Well so far the examinations have been going well.
I think I'll better than I did for prelims.
Hopefully I can sustain the momentum.
Thanks to all those who have supported me one way or another.
Some special mentions:
1. Mel's mum for 15 bottles of Escence of Chicken and all her encouragement
2. Mel for appearing outside my school 3 times in 2 days just to give me moral encouragement and an exam package with secret contents even though she had school :)
3. My mum for asking me to relax more and offering to buy me a multi effects pedal after my examinations
4. My dad for cooking for me for more often and constantly showing his concern and telling me all about the world (did I mention that he is a walking Channel News Asia on top of being a walking dictionary and pocket pc)

13 days to go to freedom!


Monday, November 3, 2008

A Levels

7 more hours to my GP paper.

Its done, I've studied all I could for my Physical Geog paper.
2 Years of Physical geog, I've done it.

I probably wont study a single thing to do with physical geog from today onwards.


Thanks to for all those that have encouraged me!

Thank you God for sustaining me.


Saturday, November 1, 2008


I've 48 hours more.

I'm panicking.
Theres just so much thoughts going through my mind.
So much I'm worried about, and its so difficult to settle myself.
I can't seem to sleep in peace.

I'm not sure what I'm doing.
I'm over reacting to everything.

Its kind of driving me nuts.

Dear God, please help me get through this.

Guitar Praise

June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
August 2009
September 2009
March 2010
May 2010