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Monday, June 30, 2008


Yesterday was the day.
I served in Mel's church as her guitarist.
I must say it was quite an experience.
It was the first time I'm attending the church service and I'm playing the guitar.

Strangely, I did not feel like a stranger.
Maybe cause I've already met most of the youths.
Anyway, the service started even before I had time to worry.
I was giving quite a lot of pressure cause the two pianist were quite inexperience.
Things went very well and everything went according to plan.

After a few songs of worship,
The youths gave a presentation of the song 'The Power of His Love'.
It was accompanied by a short skit in front.
I was part of the whole thing.
There were some bloopers but I managed not to laugh.
The first was that I kicked the soccer ball and it hit the mic stand.
There was a loud boom but thankfully it didn't fall.
Then, I forgot that I still had a paper heart stuck to me even as the song began.
It fell off half way during the song, quite embarrassing.

Then a blind pastor from a church in Bedok shared his testimony.
It was really quite encouraging.
It really reminds bad circumstances really enable God to use us more greatly.
I could relate to him cause of my cases of spontaneous pneumothorax.
Just like him, I wanted to be a pilot too but I don't think its possible anymore.
Anyway, one of the guys from his church played the guitar while he sang a song.
He plugged out the guitar that I was using and then plugged in his.

When it was time for the worship team to lead again,
I went up to plug in the guitar.
The church did not use D.I. (direct injection) boxes.
The PA couldn't turn off the Phantom power and there was a loud boom.
Then, unknowiningly, someone had turned down the gain.
I had no time to check and had to start playing.
Then I realised that the guitar was really soft.
James then came over and tried to help me adjust the gain.
But when he touched it, there was a loud boom again.
The worst was that, James mistakenly turn the gain down to zero instead of up.
I couldn't adjust the gain cause I was afraid of another boom.
I kept signaling to Mel's father to mute the guitar for a while so I could turn up the gain.
He insisted that I carried on playing.
I had no way of telling him what was happening.
Thankfully, Caleb came up to play the other guitar.
We switched guitars after the song and everything was fine once again.

After the service ended,
We were all really relieved, the entire youth team.
It was a job well done other than the problems with the PA.

Honeybee then came over to watch Hairspray with me.
We watched the movie halfway then fell asleep.
We woke up only towards the end of the movie.
I didn't get a chance to watch it again after that.

I had a really good experience that day.
I'm really thankful for the opportunity to serve in another church.
I got to know so many new people.
It was not a bad way to visit a church for the first time.

I met mervyn in the morning to collect the Lord of the Rings Trilogy that Alexis had passed to him.
We then had curry rice with chicken and bubble tea at Toa Payoh Entertainment Centre.
It was quite a big portion for only $5.90.
We then went to Swensens to have Ice cream and Fries.
Thanks Mervyn.

I then went home and met Honeybee at Ang Mo Kio.
I was so happy to see her sitting there.
We then watched the movie 'Wanted'.
We had wanted to watch 'Wanted' for quite a while.
It was quite an unrealistic movie with its concept of faith based on a weaving machine and bending of bullets after being fired.
It had quite a good plot though, with nice twists here and there.
However, I disliked the frequent use of vulgarities.
The F word was used more than 100 times during the show, literally.
Anyone thinking about watching that, be prepared, its NC16 for a reason.

We then had Braised pork Beehoon for dinner and our favourite Honey Chicken!
We then headed home.
This weekend was really one with lots of ups and downs.
But I'm glad for all thats happened :)

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Sunday, June 29, 2008

This is the Day

that the Lord has made.

In 3 hours, I'll be serving in Christian Grace.
The importance of the whole thing hasn't set it yet.
I sure hope I don't get so nervous my hands start to shake and I forget what to play.
I've to remember I'm playing for God and not man.

I'm going to meet so many more strangers from the Church.
I'll have a hard time explaining my identity.

Anyway, I watched 21 with Honeybee yesterday.
21 was quite an interesting show.
It gives you a new perspective of MIT students.
People can be good looking and smart at the same time.
Blackjack can be beaten.
Casinos need... LOSS PREVENTION.
I wonder if they have such post available in Singapore's Casinos in future.
Its not a bad job tob to consider.

Its time for breakfast.

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Saturday, June 28, 2008

My Grand Opening

Heres a list of McDonals I went to find Mr Kungfu Panda a.k.a. Po:
1. Yewtee McDonalds
2. Beauty World McDonalds
3. King Albert Park McDonalds
4. McDonalds outside Lido
5. McDonalds in first floor of Lido
6. McDonalds in top floor of Lido (I found the first Kunfu Panda)
7. Lucky Plaza McDonalds
8. Takashimaya McDonalds
9. Yishun McDonals
10. McDonals beside mel's church office (I fount the 2nd Kungfu Panda for Lydia)

Honeybee, thanks for coming along to hunt the Kungfu pandas with me even though you were tired after school.

Oh yes, we ate 3 Happy Meals in all.
We got 2 Kungfu Pandas, one for me and one for Lydia, and one Tailung.
We then had to go for Worship practice.
It was an eventful day.

Heres the grand opening of Kungfu Panda:

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Friday, June 27, 2008

Summary of Mid-Year Examinations

Geography: possibly around the D range
Physics: Maybe an A
Economics: maybe B or C
Maths: Around the D range as well
GP: No proper estimation

This examinations really tested my time management.
I underestimated the amount of things to study.
The only subject that I managed to finish studying for was Physics.
This examinations also show how important it is to know what is tested.
I studied blindly for Geography, Economics and Maths.
I ended up studying for topics that didn't come out or were of less significance.

There were the good things.
This examination I thought the planning was quite okay.
I did not burn out until the very last day.
I started studying much earlier compared to previous major examinations.

I'm just glad its all over.

Oh yes, the sweetest thing surprised me yesterday as I was coming home from school.
She waited for me at Yewtee MRT just to say hi and gave me some encouragement.
I so blessed to have such a sweet girlfriend.

I look forward to tomorrow!

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Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I'm horribly tired of studying.
I just studied some Physics in Macs.
I'm more or less prepared for Physics, just need to polish up a bit.
Shall do that later in the morning.

I've two different days to count.
One to count up, one to count down.
Yesterday was day 5.
27 days more, till I meet my new friend(mini notebook).

I can't wait for Friday.
I'm afraid the Kungfu Panda guys will be sold out.
Its already sold out at Yewtee Macs.
Lets hope its not.

Anyway I had my Economics yesterday.
Case study was horrible.
I didn't bring my calculator and had no idea what Current Prices and Constant Prices were.
I didn't study the part on Key economic indicators.
The essays were much better, but I can't say for sure.
I just hope to do better than my common test.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I just finished studying economics at McDonals.
My economics paper is in 7 hours, actually less.
I'm still feeling quite awake for some reason.
Today's study at Macs was really productive.

I had my Geog paper in the afternoon.
I was quite silly for not checking what topics would be coming out for which section.
I ended up focusing on topics that come out for DRQ instead of the Essays.
There was a Physical Geog DRQ that I completely did not know how to do.
Mrs Leong is going to scold me.

Anyway, last Saturday,
I went to Mel's church office for worship practice.
I'm going to be her guitarist when she leads worship for youth service on the 29th of June.
I can't wait but at the same time I'm quite anxious about it.
I'm going to play in front of so many strangers.
Then again, God is my intended audience.
I shouldn't be afraid.
I'm really glad I get to serve with her.
Worship practice was quite fun, but I didn't expect that I would be given such a huge role.
I'm looking forward to that day.

I'm off to bed, to dream about the Tailung and Kungfu Panda happy meal toys.
A special someone is going to get them for me :)

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Saturday, June 21, 2008


I'm going to make every effort to be early from now on.
I don't want to disappoint people being late all the time.
Its really not worth it.
Its quite a bad habit that will be pretty hard to change but I'll try.
For myself, for honeybee, for everyone, for God.

As a reminder, yesterday was day 1.

I'm now very worn out.
Yesterday was such a long day.
I had to study and go for worship practice which ended so late.

I've to go for my violin lesson which starts at 9am.
Then I've to continue studying and then go to honeybee's church office at 2pm.
After which I've to rush home cause Q is coming over to my house.
Q is probably ending at 10+pm.

I've mid-year papers from Monday to Thursday!
Geog, Econs, Physics, Math.
I'm quite prepared for Econs.
I'm thinking how much of Geog I should study.
Okay I just thought about it.
I'm going to do Physics and Maths today.
Then I'll go all out for Geog tomorrow.

I feel pretty lost.
I can't wait for the examinations to be over.
I want to excel.
Theres once again a lot of pressure on me as a student.
Teachers and friends are constantly expecting me to get an A and no less.
Its pretty ridiculous.
But I guess thats what drives me to do well.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sleepless night.

Today is Sherlyn's Birthday.
Yesterday, Minyen mastermind a planned to surprise Sherlyn.
Ivan, Hanzhong, Lester, Patricia, Weishan and I met up at S11 and then went to Sherlyn's house.
Minyen and a few of their Red Cross friends were already there and Wanting came later.
We met 3 new people, Jessica, Lydia and the last one I think is Peiqi.
There we hid until 12am when Sherlyn's boyfriend lured her into the house for the surprise.
The surprise went amazingly according to plan.
The only thing that wasnt planned was the huge KFC feast that her father bought for us.
We definitely had no complaints about that.

We then stayed up the entire night just watching AVP2 and chitchatting away.
Ivan, Lester, Hanzhong, Minyen and I plus the few Red Cross girls stayed over.
The few of us from YAPS sat and chatted in the living room while the other girls were in the room.
It was really nice to just sit and chat and catch up with one another.
I really miss my primary school friends.
I've known them for about 12 years already.
We're really like a closely knitted family.
I was quite reluctant to leave.

But I had something else to look forward too.
I went to my darling honeybee's house to chill and relax(sleep for 3 hours).
We had breakfast lunch and dinner together, what more could I ask for :)

Here are some of the photos from the party:

This is us hiding in anticipation for her arrival.

Most importantly, the group photo.
From left to right: Boyfriend, Sherlyn, Patricia, Weishan, Lester(Half a face), Wanting, Ivan, Isaac(Me), Hanzhong, Minyen


Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day

I had no idea today was father's day until I heard today's sermon.
I felt quite bad cause I didn't wish my dad a Happy Father's Day earlier.
Anyway the sermon talked about how we should encourage our fathers to be like Jarius, someone who seeks after Jesus.
The sermon was based on Luke 12:41-42, 48-56 if I'm not wrong.
It made me wonder what kind of father I would become.
I really hope to be one that is like Jarius.

Anyway, today was also Pulse Games Day.
The Evangelical Commitee planned the entire thing.
My group was quite a quiet one but we still managed to win a $10 BangawanSolo voucher.
We had our laughs.

I then watched "You've Got Served" and "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" with Honeybee.
They were interesting movies in their own ways.
I like the battles in You've Got Served, they are just captivating.
I almost fell asleep during Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
It was interesting to watch the movie after reading the book.
I really enjoy just spending the time watching movies with her :)

Honeybee and I cooked pasta for my dad today.
It wasn't the best of pastas but I hope he liked it.
I am really blessed to have a dad that faithfully follows after God.
My dad has really gave up a lot for my sister and I.
I'm really grateful and thank God for him.

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Saturday, June 14, 2008

2 Months

Yesterday was our 2 months together.
We wanted to cook for honeybee's mum but we ended up falling asleep.
I feel quite bad about it cause I really wanted to relieve her of some work.
I really enjoyed the time we spent together.
Especially the time we spend worshipping the Lord and talking about all His wonderful works.
Open the eyes of our hearts.
It was a really meaningful way to spend the day. :)

Many things have happened over this two months.
There were the good and bad times.
They were all really meaningful.
I shall recall some of them here.

Lets start from the bad.
We've had some conflicts over certain views.
And we had some small quarrels.
We got envious sometimes, and other times we did silly things.

We even almost lost each other.
At times we've neglected God.

But there were the good times.
We've had someone to share our burdens and worries with.
We've had someone to spur us on and motivate us each step of the way.
We've had someone to remind us each time we were to fall into temptation.
We saw God's unfailing love for us even though we were so unworthy.

Each bad time really brings us closer to each other.
They help us learn to treasure one another and realise that the relationship wouldn't have been possible without God.
The good times really motivate us, to remind us of how blessed we are.
I've learnt to love, and to be love in return.

I look forward to many more months to come.
We'll be patient and commit everything to God.
To God and to my baby,
I love you

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Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

After 3 years, I've finally decided to use Blogger instead of Windows Live Spaces cause I want more freedom to customise my blog. I want to use my own wallpapers and layouts.

Today, I woke up to a nightmare.
I trembled with fear last night.
The fear did not disappear.
I tried to sleep in to get rid of it, but I kept waking up.

I'm really glad Honeybee called.
It gave me a sudden sense of comfort.
It gave me hope.
I'm glad we could talk things out.
It ended my nightmare :)

Honeybee and I watched Prince Caspian for free today,
thanks to her dad for redeeming free movie tickets.
The movie was great and had quite a lot of analogies.
So many that I'm too lazy to type them here.
It's worth watching again to spot more of the analogies.

I've learnt to treasure you.
It felt like the day we first got together, magical.
God has really blessed us :)

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Guitar Praise

June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
August 2009
September 2009
March 2010
May 2010