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Monday, December 29, 2008

A Laughter a Day

This is my 100th post in this Blog!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Mission Trip To Thailand

Here is a quick summary of my trip to Thailand.

21st December
1.1 Departure from Singapore
1.2 The 14 Hour Bus ride

22nd December
2.1 The Arrival
2.2 Church
2.3 R&R
2.4 Dinner
2.5 Sleep

23rd December
3.1 Morning Devotion
3.2 Gift Wrapping
3.3 Gift Exchange and Lunch
3.4 Carolling

24th December
4.1 Morning Devotion
4.2 Bus to Dannok
4.3 Carolling and Lunch at a Rubber Plantation
4.4 Christmas Eve Party for the Kids
4.5 Carolling and Prayer Walk
4.6 Night Prayer and Christmas Count Down

25th December
5.1 The two Big Bangs
5.2 Morning Devotion
5.3 Christmas Service
5.4 Children Christmas Party
5.5 Bus ride back to Hatyai
5.6 Night Market
5.7 Opening up of presents

26th December
6.1 Morning Devotion
6.2 Shopping at Tesco and Diana
6.3 Mad Rush to the Bus
6.4 Bus Ride back to Singapore

27th December
7.1 Arrival in Singapore

People who were there:Mel and MotherAunty Jannie (The missionary)
Aunty Jessie
Aunty Diana and Family (Uncle Zhang Xin, Kai Ling, Pang Ting)
Li Wen (Thai church co-worker)
Chun Mei (Thai church co-worker)

For Pictures, Please visit http://www.flickr.com/photos/13294122@N08/ .
More photos yet to come.

My take from this trip:
"Though I didn't buy much, I came back more satisfied. God has shown me my priorities in life. He has put his crown over me. He has fueled my passion to serve Him."

On Christmas Day, God revealed through Kai Ling that He has placed his crown over me.

James 1:12
Blessed is the man who preserveres under trials. Because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has prepared to those who love Him.

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Saturday, December 27, 2008


I'm back!
I've been in Thailand from the 21st and only arrived home today.
Shall blog about the awesome trip another time, too tired now.

To sum it in one word:
Breath-taking (in many sense of the word)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Garage Sale

Christmas is really fully or surprises.
Today, my mum went to the market.
When she came home, she brought back...

20" HD ready LCD TV
A Korean BBQ steam boat thing
A Steam Iron thing
+ a Free camera tripod

I get to keep the TV and the tripod!
But occasionally my parents will TVnap the tv into their room.

On Thursday,
I had my 4p3 BBQ at Mingxian's house.
I did most of the cooking.
I caught up with my English teacher.
Bought a BP bear for $10.

Friday was chillax day with Mel.
Then I had to go for an LCS Co worker's Christmas Dinner.
It was at HTNS once again.
Yep, good food thing time round.
I won but lost a $20 Popular voucher.
Long story.

Okay back to packing!


Thursday, December 18, 2008


Christmas came early this year.

On Tuesday, My mum showed me a letter.
I received the Eagles Award!
It was for Achievement, Good leadership and Service.
Its an award voucher of $150.
I can only collect it after 29 December.
That was quite a surprise.

Yesterday, we went to China town.
It was nice to go somewhere new for a change.
China town really changed so much since I last went there so many years ago.
She brought me to Maxwell food centre for yummy Tian Tian chicken rice and oyster cake.
We then had lovely egg tarts.
I had a really good time.

After that, we went to Bras Basar Complex to find pom pom balls or beads.
After lots of hunting, we got 500 pom pom balls!
And 75 eyes, hahaha.

After all the suspense,
Mel finally told me what my Christmas present was.
And yesterday, we went to get it :)

And the mystery gift is....
A Braziliano Praia Beetle!

It was just what I needed and wanted :)
Thank you so much Lui Yidao impersonator.
I hope you'll like your present just as much.

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Time is running out

Its been a while since I last blogged.

Saturday was our 8th months together :)
I couldn't bring her out cause I had lunch with my primary school friends in the afternoon.
Lunch was at Lao Bei Jing, $21.

We had a Christmas Dinner with her relatives.
It was a huge spread of meat and salad.
The food was excellent, made me regret eating so much for lunch.

On Monday,
Mel and I had our prom with my parents :)
I'm really glad it all worked out.
I really thank my mum for cooking even though shes tired after work.
We had a really great time.
For more information, go to Mel's Blog (she can get more hits for nuffnang)

We watched Twilight!

Yes I'm sure everyone is thinking, "Doesn't Twilight start on 18th Dec"
Well, almost all the cinema's around the country have already started showing sneak previews since the 15th.

The movie was great.
It was quite interesting the way vampires were illustrated.
I shall not be a spoiler here.
It was worth watching, though we didn't exactly pay for it.
It seems as though there might be a sequel, but we wont know.

Okay time for breakfast!

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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Song sung blue

Today is the first time in I think 2 weeks that I didn't leave the house.
Feels kind of weird just staying at home.

On Tuesday,
I went to Sentosa for the 4P3 outing.
It was fun but really tiring.
Not a lot of people went.
We played Ultimate frisbee, Captain's ball and swam a bit.
My shoulders got sunburnt.
A few of us went for Chicken rice at Far East after that.

On Wednesday,
I went to Mel's house.
I wanted to send my PSP for repair again but some how the circle button magically worked properly again.
Anyway, I was suppoed to cook lunch for Mel but her aunty cooked for her already.
And when I got there, her aunt offered me her share of the food and cooked magi mee for herself.
I felt really bad.
I left uncooked beef patties at her house.
I made a dog bark ferociously when I was walking to her house.

We then went to meet a seller to collect a dress for her at Sengkang.
We had the BK Stacker!
The Quad Burger.
4 slices of Beef Patty.
Its name was Ballsy.
Mel said, "We've got balls, lets eat that"
That was quite funny.
Anyway, the burger wasn't as big as it looked.
We weren't really full after that.
I think the Mega Mac seem to be more filling.
For a real filling meal I would recommend 8 patties at Carls Junior.

Anyway, the Mr Men were at Sengkang.
I only remember reading Mr Men and not watching them.
It was quite funny when the Mr Men all paused in a particular position and not move.

We had tau hui after that and then headed home.

Monday, December 8, 2008


I'm quite frustrated now.
Well, partly its actually my own doing.

My PSP's triangle button wasn't working properly cause lime juice spilled in my bag while I was trying to smuggle some lime juice up the bus.
Today, I went to repair my psp.
After collection, another button wasn't working properly.
It cost me $40 to repair the triangle button.
Hopefully the circle button would be free.

Sentosa tomorrow with 4p3 people!

Hopes and Dreams


On Wednesday, Mely and I went to Ikea to study.
It was quite funny cause she was studying Information Technology in Business and I was studying a cook book.
We ordered their Christmas Hot Plate which cost $7.20.
Their turkey was excellent and went really well with the pineapple.
We bought chicken wings and meatballs too!
It was quite a feast.

After all our studying,
I brought busybee to Killiney road for some Chee Cheong Fun.
There was this place that I happen to chance upon while searching for places to satisfy her craving for Chee Cheong Fun.
There were all sorts of Chee Cheong Fun.
We ate the Chicken and Banana Chee Cheong Fun and Green Tee Tang Yuan.
I must say their food was really good but a lil pricy.
All those we ordered were $3.50 each.
The most expensive Chee Cheong Fun is the Cheese Lobster.
Its a whooping $12.
It was a joy seeing her finally able to satisfy her cravings :)

On Thursday, I went to Mel's house wearing a vest and a Fedora.
Its the first time I actually wore a fedora, supposed to be for prom.
I chickened out and didn't dare to wear it when we were going out though.

We then went to watch City of Ember.
It was quite a thrilling show, especially the Giant Mole.
The puzzles were however quite obvious and didn't really make me think much.
It is quite worth watching.
It makes you think about the possibility of living within the earth in future when the surface of the earth becomes inhabitable.
It might even be a necessity in future.
I must say the writers have quite an imagination.
It reminded me of the the Matrix, where by people lived in Zion, an underground city, except this one was a lot more realistic.

We had KFC after that.
I feel like I'm really growing fat, I think my tummy is starting to become flabby and my 6 pacs is almost gone.
Not sure how I'm going to take off my shirt on Tuesday when I go to Sentosa.
Really have to start training soon.

On Friday,
I picked Mel from school and then brought her to Sunset Way for some Ice Cream.

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Friday, December 5, 2008

Prom Photos


Big Shots:
Mr Tan Jek Suan (VP)
Brother Paul (Principal)
President of Student Council
Group Photos:
T37 Guys


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Thursday, December 4, 2008


I've finally done my essay for my application to USP.
Time to sleep soon.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Yesterday was my prom night.
I'm too tired to blog about it now.
It was quite an eventful event.

I shall post pictures soon, maybe tomorrow.
Pictures speak a thousand words.
And I have 1000 pictures.
Okay actually only like 70+.
Thats 70,000 words.

Till then, I shall keep readers in suspenders.

Oh yes,
I went to Nathanial's house for BBQ on Saturday.
It was a spontaneous BBQ.
His mum decided to have a BBQ when she went to the market and saw giant prawns.
Yes giant prawns, the size of lobsters.
I've never seen such huge prawns.

It was a nice feeling being there.
Nat's house is about 5 minutes away from Mel's house.
I was able to send her home in the night.
If only we lived nearer, I would be able to do that everyday.

And last night,
I stayed over at Nat's house together with some of the bballers and friends.
We ordered McDonals at 2.45am and it only came at about 3.35am.
I slept at about 3am and woke up half an hour later to eat two double cheese burger.
After that, I watched the guys play PS3 before going back to sleep.

I slept on the floor in Nat's room with I think 6 other guys.
3 were on the bed, the other 3 were on the floor.
I could hardly move without kicking someone else.
Cause of the discomfort, I woke up periodically.
Each time I did, I would see a pair of feet right above my face.
But I was too tired to move.

When I woke up, only Terence was awake.
Nat's mom then invited us down to watch tv and then prepared some food for us.
Scrambled eggs with tiny pan cakes.

The PS3 kept us entertained until we left his house.

I walked over to Mel's house to wait for her.
I fell asleep on the sofa waiting for her.
We then went to Serangoon Gardens to find Chee Chong Fan.
We railed miserably though.
Ended up eating Satay which wasn't bad either.
We then went back and played the guitar.

Mel can sing and play the guitar at the same time out of a sudden!
Yes its one of those must-tell-the-world news.
I'm so proud of her.

When it was time to go, she sent me all the way to the bus stop cause of the rain.
It was really sweet of her to do so even though she has to study for her exams.

Yep, it really felt very comforting being so close to Mel.
I could just pop over to her house when I needed to.

Okay, time to rest.
Shall continue tomorrow.

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Guitar Praise

June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
August 2009
September 2009
March 2010
May 2010