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Thursday, October 30, 2008


I just went for a run and did some pull ups and sit ups.
I went down to clear my mind from exams and sort out my thoughts.
The exam stress is really getting into me.
I can't think about anything else other than my exams and its really tiring.

I almost couldnt come home.
After all the running, both thighs felt like they were going to cramp with each step.
I could barely walk home.
I had to keep stretching alone the way and limp home.
It was quite a scary experience.
It was midnight and I doubt anyone will be there to help me up if I do get a serious cramp.

Anyway, I felt much better after the workout.
I'm tired but my mind feels more active now.

I went to pick Mel up from school cause she ended at 7pm.
I managed to surprise her but I wasn't in time cause I was helping Fengheng understand demand and supply.
We cheated but I'm glad I got to see her :)

Anyway about my enlistment,
People have been saying that those that go in in January would stand a higher chance of getting into OCS.
Thats what I'm hoping for.
Oh and I heard people who go in January are the scholars and I'll be seeing a lot of people from Hwachong and RJ.
Hmm hope I don't feel inferior there.

Sadly we may not get to spend our first year anniversary together cause I may be in camp :(
We'll theres always a possibility that we might get to, and I'll hope dearly for that.

I can't wait for A levels to me over. I really can't.
I can say this over and over cause its the only thing on my mind.

I'm looking forward to serving God, spend time with my family and mel, catch up with friends.

Oh, I'm a leader and guitarist and maybe worship leader for the up coming Kids Camp in my church.
And I'm part of the 'Stomp' team for my church's evangelical concert.

Oh yes, and my mum says she'll get me the multi-effects pedal that I've been longing for so I can serve the Lord better :)

And I'll get to Jam with Mel!

I'll come up with my TO-DO list for my short holiday soon.

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Monday, October 27, 2008


I just realise in India its called Deevali.

While everyone is busy enjoying their holiday, I packed my stuff and left house happily and went to... Study.
Anyway I went to Limbang Macs with Guoxiang and Glen to study.
Reached there about 8.30am and stayed there till 2.30pm.

I wont get to see my honeybee for the next week :(
But I'll look forward till the end of the A levels.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

National Service

My enlistment date is on 8 Jan 2009.
Reporting time 9.30 in Pulau Tekong.

Its all happening so fast.
A levels, then NS.
I don't know whether to look forward or not.

Friday, October 24, 2008


Okay to relieve my examination stress, I turned my Peophin into a Jetsam (A Jetsam is a limited edition neopet).

The potion cost me 550k.

My dad.

I took some time off from my studies to watch High school musical.
It was in my opinion better than the first two.
The songs are nicer, and its in a way more sensible.
More inspiring.
Its no wonder almost everyone in the cinema were teenagers.

My dad can watch movies at Cathay on week days for $4 in only 5 more years time.
He is going to be come a senior citizen.
It only hit me today that he is really getting older.
I really thank God for like keeping him going all this while.
I must mention that my dad is the most selfless person.
When I asked him if he is going to change his phone, he said,
"Yes im going to change my phone soon... when i strike the lottery."
Oh just to be clear, he doesn't buy lottery tickets.
And his phone was a free gift from Starhub more than 2 years ago.
The point is, he has been paying for our new phones.

No my dad is not outdated.
In fact he is the editor of one of Singapore's most popular forums for pocket pc and all that kind of things.
He is a tester and reviewer for iTech, the company that specialises in bluetooth headsets.
More importantly, my dad is a man that is always serving God.
He is a pastor and works in the Lutheran Church of Singapore's head office.
And he has to worry constantly about me and my sister.

We'll it doesn't have to be father's day to appreciate him.
So I just wanna tell the world how great a father he is.
He really inspires me to want to be a father just like him.
Except the big tummy.

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Thursday, October 23, 2008


I've only myself to blame.
I lost the battle of fights with myself.
I'm falling back.
Pull me out.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Another tiring day of studying.

Then I went with Mel and her dad to get her Korg M3-61.
Its a wonderful workstation, and its a whole lot of fun too!
Even people who don't know how to play the piano (like me) can have lots of fun playing with it.
I'm going to try to make all the sound effects from Star Wars and Wall.E.

I asked my dad if I could get a multi effects pedal to go along with my electric guitar and he is supportive of the idea!
I can't wait.
After A levels, hopefully by then there is still stock and the recession will be over.

I'll have a whole lot of time after A levels to practice the guitar.
Kind of looking forward to bring a whole new range of music to the worship service.

Playing the guitar for God is why I started learning the guitar in the first place.
Thinking back, it all started one day when I asked my dad if we had any guitars at home and he brought out a classical guitar.
He also brought out a chord book and thought me a few chords.

The first song I learnt how to play was Amazing Grace.
How sweet the sound.

I guess I'm still quite a beginner but I pray that one day God will grant me the listening ear and the nifty fingers to bring worship to the next level.
I've to constantly remind myself its for God and not to impress people.

Well, I've to focus on my upcoming A levels first before thinking about becoming a rock star.

Till then.

Sweet Peanuts!


Monday, October 20, 2008

Amidst the fear.

In the midst of all trials, I'm brought back to Christ.
I'm brought to the inevitable realisation that God is with me and always have been.
He lights my darkness.
I've found my way back to him.

James 1:12
Blessed is the man who preseveres under trials, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.

This is my prayer, that I'll presevere for God, and for those I love.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pink headband

Hey you :)

Thanks for the surprise.
I can't describe how much it means to me.
In this tough stretch, it really cheered me up.
And reminded me that there was someone out there who is always rooting for me.
I'm really touched by it.

I really love it when you surprise me like that :)

Isaac is a happy boy!


Thursday, October 16, 2008


Honeybee surprised me at my house with Lunch today!
It was such a sweet gesture of hers.
I couldn't stop smiling.

I love it when she surprises me like that, it really makes me feel so loved.

Monday was our 6 months together.
Its been a long winding journey,
but we've always been there for each other :)

Oh we watched Burn after reading.
Its a show with twisted humor.
Its quite a tough show to understand.
Well not really my cup of tea, but if you like artistic shows then this might be one of them.

We then ate Botak Jones for dinner.

I painted a long sleeve T shirt and got a beanie for her and packed them into a tiny little box.
I'm really glad that she loved the surprise.

Thank you Charis and Marie for helping out with the gifts.

Thank you Mel for all the time you've been there for me, for all the times you've cheered me up, for all the times you've fed me and more.

Yes its hand painted!
Edit: Oh yes, I forgot to mention that we spotted Lydia helping a little boy put on his climbing gear outside Ngee Ann City during the weekend. It was really nice seeing her again after so long.

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Monday, October 13, 2008

6 Months!

I'll update more about today later :)


Saturday, October 11, 2008

The end.

On Wednesday,

We watched House Bunny in AMK.

And no, House Bunny is not a brainless humor show.

It was really more about the issues of conformity as well as the the achievement of dreams.

A great day to take my mind of my studies.

I went to study in macs at night.

On Thursday,

I had a blast of a time with my honeybee.

We walked around town as usual and then went to spotlight.

She said Hocapontas!

That really cracked me up.
We had a really good talk over dinner before walking back to Far East to take a bus.
We couldn't get up on two 190s because they we packed to the door.
We then walked to the bus stop behind Ngee Ann City and almost got lost along the way.
I had fun :)

Yesterday was the official end of my 2 years in Catholic Junior College.

We had our graduation day.

It was a day of mixed feelings, I wasn't sure if I was happy or sad.

On one hand, I'm glad that I've made it through the tough 2 years and can finally take a break from waking up at 6am everyday.

But on the other hand, I'm sad.

I'm afraid I'll miss having a time table all planned out for me.

I'll miss having caring teachers and friends around me all the time.

I'll miss my class thats so bonded.

I'm not sure.

We went to eat Dim Sum buffet after that.

We cam whore as a classed for the last time, it was really funny.

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008


In the dim living room haunted by the wind.
Staring at the glaring screen.

Right here waiting.
Waiting for the phone to ring just once more.

I'm as broken as my broken spectacles.
I feel blind, in all sense of the word.


Here I am a Sinner,
Broken and in need of you.
Take my life and wash my fears away.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Today was Mel's Jumpy Aunty's Birthday.
I went over Mel's house to celebrate her birthday.
It was quite a joke.
We had an umbrella party, supposed to be a colours party.

And just when we thought that the whole surprise went well, Marion blew it!

We tried to hide the cake from Jumpy, but Marion went round hunting for the cake and when she saw it, she shouted, "My mummy's Cake is here!"

Jibaboom! The plan was ruin.



Saturday, October 4, 2008

Days of my life.

I'm Back!

Been a long long long time since I last blogged.
I must say I've lost the passion to do a lot since the exams started.

I'm not sure where to start on the post.

Alright, my prelims results.

Maths: B(67)
Geography: C(58)
Physics: C(57)
Econs: E(?)
GP: E(45)

Hmm, I think I did considerably better than my mid-years.
Heres a comparison.

Physics: A(81)
Geog: D(52)
Econs: E(48)
GP: E (45)
Maths: U(38)

Although I didn't get on the honor rolls for prelims, I managed to pass all.
I guess the revision programme that the school had for us was effective, to a large extent.
I'm quite disappointed with my Economics though.
I feel that I could have done much better, but I had poor time management.
I'm especially happy with my Mathematics and Geography.

Anyway, I've decided to really work on my GP and Econs.
I haven't been putting much emphasis on them.

Okay let me recap the days thats I've been away from my blog cause my Laptop crashed.

Let me start with 19th September - Honeybee's Birthday!
After spending many days planning and executing the plan, the day finally came.

At about 12am, I sent her a song that I've been working on for the entire week. That was my way of saying happy birthday. I really wanted to do more but didn't have the time and my Amp blew.

In the wee hours of the morning, I went all the way to her house before school and left a special package there.
18 Bing Pi mooncakes, which I was supposed to make but didn't cause my eye was hurting like crazy and swollen.
I really have to thank my mum for that.

On the bus to school, she called me and said that her mum found mooncakes.
I chatted with her all the way until I reached school.

I couldn't wait for school to end so I could bring her out.

We watched Make it Happen.
It kind of had the same concept as Step Up 2 but unique in its own way.
It was a different kind of dance all together, but wasn't a show that would keep you at the edge of your seat.

We met in town and were supposed to find Lucky prata.
But ended up going to McDonals instead.
The Ironic thing was that Lucky prata was directly above McDonals.
I messaged sent a birthday message to the TV in Macs but it didn't appear.
I felt cheated.
Anyway, I passed her the 2nd part of the gifts.
Its a continuation of the notebook that I wrote.
Oh and I spilled tomato sauce on my pants and it looked like I had mens, and she laughed so much till she almost fell of the chair, hahaha.

I then had to bring her around town cause I had a plan cooked up for her at her house.
We walked all around Far East and then took a long bus ride back.

Then when we arrived at her house, Marion took over.
Marion, her 4 year old cousin, pretended that she had a gift for her.
She then led honeybee up the stairs all the way to her brother's room.
There, Valerie and friends popped up and gave her a 'surprise'.
It would have been a surprise except that I gave away quite a lot of clues.
She probably guessed it.

Anyway, the girls bought an accessory hanger for her and a really nice cake.
Its the first time I'm meeting all of them at once.
But it was nice meeting her friends.

After they left, we spend quite a long time sorting up the accessories and hanging them up.
It really took quite a lot of effort, but we had lots of fun.

We then went to Ice Cube to spend the rest of the night.
I presented her with the final gift to end the night.

We then walked back to her house where her church youths celebrated her birthday for her.

We then spend a little more time together before I left.

I wished I could have spent more time with her.
Wanted to do lots of other things but couldn't.

I'm glad that she really liked the presents and the time spent together.

Hey honey, Happy 18th Birthday!
I'm glad our dreams were finally fulfilled.
I'm really happy that we could spend our birthdays together.
Especially our special 18th birthday.
I'm really blessed to have you as a girlfriend.
I cannot ask for more.
I really thank God for you, for this relationship that we share.
Let us look forward to many more birthdays to share together =)

On the 20th of September,
My class had dinner in Outback in Milennia Walk to celebrate Glen's 18th Birthday.
The food was really good and we kept singing happy birthday, which kind of irritated the other patrons.
There were lots of laugh and silly jokes.
It was a good class gathering.

21th September,
Mel and I went to Ikea Tampinese to find furniture and ideas for her new room.
Tons of ideas came and we had so much fun generating them.
We then made a shopping list.
I can't wait to redo my room too.
Her family then came to join us.
We tried to find seats at Ikea's restaurant but ended up going to White Sands.
We had nice Tim Sum and other food.
It was the first time I'm having dinner with her family outside, I wasn't really sure how to react but I feel really blessed.

22th September,
I was supposed to help my honeybee clear her room but ended up falling asleep.
I felt really bad that day.
I'm not sure why I'm always so tire out by school, I'm just glad its going to end this Friday.

23th September,
We finally got down to painting the walls.
After weeks of planning, we finally had paint and brushes.
Painting is really not easy at all.
After many hours of painting, we finished 2 walls.
2, yes 2.
It was horribly frustrating and tiring, but at the same time fun.
We ended up painting ourselves.
The wall turned out rather patchy.

24th September,
We painted all the other walls and also the cornese.
We were on the verge of giving up many times but eventually did what we wanted to do.
The cornese were especially tough to paint.
There were so many details, and we had to keep wiping as we painted.
Holding the brush up was really tiring.

25th September,
We watched Mamma Mia at Marina Square.
The movie was quite good.
Help you to appreciate ABBA's songs.
After watching the movie, kept ringing in our heads.

Some how we then decided to walk all the way to City Hall instead of taking the bus.
It was quite a long walk but it didn't seem all that long cause I had someone special to accompany me the entire way.

We then went to our usually hangout, Spotlight looking for curtains and cloth.
But we left empty hanaded.

26th of September,
I went to help Mely paint her room again.
This time we did the final touches on the cornese.
After all was done, the red became really outstanding.
A pity I don't have a picture of the room to show everyone.
I'm glad I could be a part of the painting of the room.
It was really lots of fun, and a great exercise.

27th September,
Mel, her mum and sister and me went to Ikea to get the furniture and deco for her room.
We had lunch and her mum gave me a treat!
We finally got the $3 glass bottle that we had planned to get for a long time.
We left with a whole lot of cushions!

After that, I met up with my primary school classmates.
Ivan, Yize, Lingchen, Lester, Hanzhong and me.
We tried to find spots to view the on going F1 race.
It was during the practice session.
The cars were amazingly loud!
Every car that passed by was as loud as a Jet plane.
We had to cover our ears each time one car passed by and couldn't hear each other talking.

We then went to Yize's house to watch the F1 qualifying race on his 42'' LCD tv.
His TV was really good, even channel 5 was pixelated, but he had no speakers.
We stayed on until quite late.
I was dead beat by the time I reached home.

28th September,
I met Ms random in town again and we went to PS.
We went to hunt for cloth for her wall and curtains but ended up buying 3 premade curtains.
Total cost: $44.70

Then it was home sweet home to catch the F1 race.

29th September,
A day to remember.

30th September,
Was a long long day.
I had school as usual in the morning.
After school, I rushed to Ang Mo Kio to meet up with Mely.
We wanted to sign up for driving but instead ended up watching 'Eagle Eye'.

Eagle Eye was quite a futuristic show.
Its plot was really unexpected.
The movie leads you in to thinking its all about terrorism.
But think again.

We then went round to find a present for Daryl and finally settled on Mamma Mia Sound track.
We then went to her house to package the present in a Sexy Cookie box and paper bag.
Then I left on my voyage to find Daryl's house.

At Serangoon garden, I was unable to contact my classmates.
I tried calling and calling everyone on my contact list but to no avail.

Finally I managed to call Glen.
I took a bus and he then came to pick me up a the bus stop.

At the house, we had BBQ but I didn't eat much cause I had to wait forever for the food to arrive.
I decided to just chill inside the house.
We then watched Kwek, daryl and Mark V dance around the house.
Kwek was just amazing, his body seems to have an infinite amount of energy.
He can dance non-stop and he is really good.
Next up,
Mingxuan,Feng and another guy performed for the crowd.
As usual, Feng impressed us with his quick fingers.

We lost track of time and soon it was too late to go home without the help of a taxi.
I was too tired to make my way back, and decided to stay over.
His living room was extra cold and I fell sick with a running nose.

1st October, Children's day,
I woke up on Daryl's sofa.
My dad then called and told me that he is going to the airport at 10.45am.
I was too tired to move and ended up having breakfast and leaving at 10am.
I went to Mel's house to get a shower and change of clothes before making my way with her to the airport.
Halfway on the bus, my mum called and said she is checking in now.
Sigh, the trip to the airport was practically wasted.
We wanted to divert our route to Ikea Tampinese but my dad asked us to meet him at T1 for lunch.
We had Popeyes for lunch! Yum.
My dad and sister then left.

We then went to Ikea Tampinese but got lost along the way.
We then walked around Ikea, tried to find picture frames, cloths, and even a lost child.
We left empty handed.
We ended up at Tampinese and then left.

We were too tired to do anything, but I'm glad we could spend the day together.

2nd October,
I went to Mel's house to study.
I spend a really long time reading my GP essays until my eyes were all blurry.
Had a really filling dinner and then left.

3rd October,
I brought honeybee to Potong Pasir to eat Tangyuan and Tau Hui.
We then took a train to little India to take a look a cloth.
We then walked to Sim Lim Square to have carrot cake to satisfy her craving.
After that we walked to Arab street and then Haji Lane.
We then tried to walk to Suntec city but took a super long detour along the ECP only to realise that the pathway was blocked at the end.
We then walked to Suntec City, Raffles City, Dhoby Ghaut, Cineleisure.
Imagine the distance we had to walk.
But it was good time spent.

4th October,
Mely came over and I cooked for her.
Shepard's pie, Pasta and Chicken which didn't get cooked.
We then watched the first episode of Heroes Season 3 but ended up falling asleep.
After waking up, we watched the rest of the Episode and then left.

I then went to fetch my mum from the airport.
I'm happy to be finally able to see her again.
When she came home, I prepared the chicken thighs for her.

Well, that sums up everything.
Phew, what a long post.

Hey Love,
I'm really glad I got to spend so much time together with you.
These two weeks have been really enjoyable.
You've helped me prepare for my final stretch.
I can't wait till the end of A' Levels!

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Guitar Praise

June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
August 2009
September 2009
March 2010
May 2010