Come away with me.
We'll dance to this song on that special day.
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Tuesday, September 16, 2008Come away with me.
I wanna take you away, from all this worry and disappointments, to somewhere overflowing with joy and love.
We'll dance to this song on that special day. Sunday, September 14, 200818th BirthdaySeptember 12 2008 was my 18th Birthday and the best one yet. I'm going to post every detail of it so it'll never forget. Here goes. I woke up at 5.30am and slacked around until 6am and then went to get changed and prepare for school. I had a Physics MCQ paper but wasn't really feeling stressed yet. Anyway I took a quick shower(20 minutes) and then came out. Then I saw my phone blinking. Meows was calling. AH! I tried to answer but it got cut off. Then I read my message, she sent "Hello you Surprise". Could it be? Could she be outside my door? I called her, she sounded so sleepy and I thought she has just woken up. Then she said theres a present at my door. I was so shocked. I quickly put on my uniform and then opened the door for her. My girlfriend had been waiting outside the door for me since 6.10am. Not to mention she lives 1 hour away. That really made my day. She then presented me with breakfast she had prepared earlier. A small bottle of orange juice and a sandwich! I which I didn't have to go to school. Anyway, she accompanied me all the way to school before she went home :) At about 7.40, I stepped into school and went to find my class. Daryl was the first to wish me a Happy birthday. He came running to me and offered a handshake and a happy birthday. I thought it was really nice of him. The rest of the guys then wished me happy birthday too. Most of them were still quite sunk in their physics revision though. We then went into the Auditorium for or final paper, Physics MCQ. It was a 1 hour 15 minutes paper. After school, I waited eagerly for Mel to come. And when she finally did, I was overjoyed. That was the beginning of the surprises that she had install for me. First up, she asked me if I wanted to go to Ikea Tampinese or Demsey Hill. Well after much thought, about 1 minute we decided on Demsey hill. We took a bus there and reached about 10.30am. Then we realised the Ben and Jerry's only opens at 11am. We walked around for a while and then remembered that its been a while since we wanted to go to Island Creamery. We then took a bus all the way to Serene Centre. It was such a detour but it was quite fun. We then had 4 scoops of ice cream, Holicks, Teh Tarik, Banana, Cookies and Cream. The ice cream was really good especially when enjoyed with someone special. My honeybee then presented me with a birthday present she had been spending so much time working on. I shall show it off to the world! I really love the shoes, Cookie ninja! It was really a lot of effort put in. I really appreciate it honey. I really didn't expect it, but I'm really touched :) It was just what I needed. I can't say enough how happy I am. After that, we went to Coronation Plaza to eat the Lemon Chicken rice. We really enjoyed the Lemon Chicken but the Chingchow was just 'a little' too sweet. Next stop, movie at The Cathay. We went to watch 'My Sassy Girl'. It was quite a complicated show but one that leaves you feeling very emotional. It had quite an unexpected ending and took a while for me to understand what was happening. Watching movies is one of our favourite pass-times and I'm really glad we got to watch one. After that, my girlfriend had another surprise installed for me. But she refused to tell me what it was. She kept asking me to guess but when I did, she waved her finger at me and said "Maayyybeee you're right". I tell you, when its your birthday, its really quite irritating. But that was her intention anyway. Haha. We went hunting in PS for some mysterious thing. Later, she told me she wanted to bring me somewhere to eat. And said that she had made reservations for 2 as some restaurant where you can bring outside food. The Chef is very personalized as well. It sounded like a dream restaurant. I couldn't wait. Well, she then said she had to park me somewhere before going to find the restaurant. After some negotiations we decided to hunt for the restaurant together. Before that, she went into PS to buy 'something'. She told me not to look at what she brought and I didn't cause I didn't want to spoil my surprise. She said we had to find Fort canning road cause the restaurant was along the road. When we were near parkmall, she suddenly said that it was in Fort canning park instead of fort canning road. We then walked and walked and walked, climbed a thousand flights of stairs and then came to Fort canning park. Then she said, 'Oh no, what if the restaurant is gone.' She then said it was located in Fort canning green. When we reached Fort canning green, I saw a huge patch of dead grass. 'Oh no, could the restuarant have previously laid here and disappeared?' I thought to myself. Well, she then said, 'Oh, you needed to go to the toilet right, I'll wait for you here, you go ahead and find the toilet in Fort canning centre.' I went to find the toilet and when I came back, SURPRISE! I found the restaurant where we could bring outside food into and better still, the personalised Chef. Heres the restaurant and the food :) And of course, the chef is secret and doesn't want to be revealed. Silly me, really thought that there was a nice restaurant that had candle light, allowed outside food and had a personalised chef with reservations made. But what I got was more than that, I've no complains at all and I feel so blessed. It was the sweetest KFC chicken I've ever ate. The surprise didn't end there. After dinner, I was told to face the field and not turn back until I was told to. And yes, I didn't. When I turned back, I got a pleasant surprised. 12 Mochis with the words Happy 18 Love plus 2 candles on them. I can't say how touched I was. The mochi was excellent! And Mel painted every single one of the letters. Her efforts really won my heart. Oh yes, the Mochis were the secret something that we went round PS looking for. After eating 4 Mochis, we were too full to go on. I really wished we could just sit there the whole day. But it was quite a weird place cause there were people coming in and out of Fort Canning Centre. We then went to sit on a bench beside the foot path. And there, we dreamt our night away. My poor baby could barely stay awake after all the efforts she took the surprise me and made me feel like the most special person to her. To Mel, the best party planner: I just wanna say a ginormous THANK YOU! for putting in so much efforts into planning the entire day out and for spending so much time painting the shoe for me and those little letters. It must have really been very difficult for you to hide the entire plan from me but you did it perfectly. I can't say enough how much I appreciate you doing this for me and me alone. 12 September 2008 will be a day I will never forget. I remember when I was 12, my birthday wish was to spend a birthday with my beloved girlfriend. I imagined it would be under the stars. And baby, I didn't tell you that but somehow we ended up under the stars :). That day was like a dream turn reality. Thank you so much for making it happen! I love you Labels: Events, Examination, Food, Honeybee, Movies Thursday, September 11, 2008Monday, September 8, 2008Hectic Life.
This is going to be one long post to make up for all the days I've yet to be updating my Blog.
This goes way back to the 2nd of September. Read at your own Risk. On the 2nd September, I embarked on Project WMH. It was a plan to win Mel's heart all over again. This was to make up for the many times that I've been a lousy boyfriend, hurt her, not been sensitive to her feelings, stepped on her feet, laughed at her and more importantly, made her cry. I want to make her heart skip a beat once again. I didn't want to take her forgranted anymore. I thought about it for quite a while and planned out the entire day just for her. It was something that I've not done in a long time and I wanted her to just enjoy herself without any worries. And yes it was an all expense paid for date excluding transport fees, and $0.40. I decided to bring her to Plaza Singapura. It was the place that we used to go to a lot before we got together. All she knew was that we were going to watch Death Race. Everything else was a surprise. I wanted to bring her on a journey that would bring back all the memories we had. Heres the day that meant so much to me. At 5.30pm, We met at Dhoby Ghaut Interchange. I was so thrilled to see my girlfriend in a maxi that we chose together. She is beautiful. I felt so honoured walking around with her beside me. We decided to be friends for the day. Any affectionate names such as honey would result in a fine of 30 seconds of tickling. Before the date started I had already owed her 90 seconds. We couldn't hold hands. It was really hard, not being affectionate. But I thought that, its something that meant a lot to us and I'll put in my best. I want this day to be one that she'll always remember, as though it was our first date. As we stepped into Plaza Singapura, I made her guess what we were going to do next. She said, "Dinner at Carl's Junior?". I was really taken aback. Am I that predictable. Well anyway I guess it was pretty obvious cause I told her to have a light lunch. Carl's Junior was another place we used to frequent before we agreed that we would only have 2 fast foods a week. Anyway we had Carls Junior for dinner. I really love sharing food with my favourite S. Its my favourite pass-time. I feel lonely everytime I had to eat a meal by myself. I'll feel more satisfied when I see my honeybee eat rather than when I eat the burger myself. I love cooking for her too. Okay back to the account of the day. During dinner, I passed her the Paaintt that I wanted to give her a week ago. I had 2 more gifts waiting inside my Yak Pak. Anyway, we chatted about the old times. About how we got together, and the feelings that we shared. After dinner, I brought her up to buy the tickets. We only needed to pay $3.50 for 2 tickets to Death Race at 6.45pm. Thats the benefits of being a GV member and watching a movie on Tuesday in your Birthday month. It was still pretty early and I decided to bring her around. I had one more activity planned before the movie begin. I wanted to treat my baby to Secret Recipe. As usual, I asked if she could guess what we were going to do next. She got it right once again on the 2nd guess. Oh by the way, its her secret talent to be able to guess all the silly riddles that I tell. Don't we have such great chemistry. For example, I asked her why didn't the chicken cross the road and she said "the chicken was too chicken to cross the road". We didn't go to secret recipe in the end cause we were both so full from dinner and decided to go after the movie instead. We then went to Spotlight to chill out. We love Spotlight! As the night went on, we progressed on from being friends to sweethearts. Before the movie, I passed her Part 2 of the gifts. It was a notebook. In it, were notes of my thoughts and feelings. Its only for Melissa Jiang Weilin and Isaac Yee Jinxiong to read. Well, for the rest, its for me to know and you to not find out. I wished I had more time to spend on the notebook. I really wished I had, so I could have written more. But I'm glad she really liked it. It made everything seemed worth it, the late night, the running around. We then went into the theatre to watch Death Race. Let me think of a rating system. Okay lets says we give 3 points to value for money, 3 to plot and 4 to others For paying $6.50 to watch a US$250 subscription show for two with behind the scenes action, I would give the full 3 points for its value for money. It had quite a good plot, there were many parts in the show that were really unexpected, especially the climax. I would give it a 3 for its plot. I really loved the big guns and explosions, also why I love myth busters. I'm a fan of modified Cars for some reason. I felt that the only let down of the show was the insanely frequent use of vulgarities and some aspects of gore. Then again, its NC16 for a reason. Well overall I would give it an 8 (The Journey to the centre of the Earth and Transformers are 10) But in my heart, Death Race will always get a 10 cause it'll be a movie that will always remind me of this amazing day. After the movie, we went to Secret Recipe. We wanted to order a slice Tiramisu but it was sold out. We chose the Royal Chocolate Cake and lets just say that its chocolateliness was too much for us to be able to appreciate even though we're fans of chocolate cakes. And for once there are no photos of the cake. We had the Twin Delight as well, a two scoop ice cream (strawberry and vanila) with peanuts and whip cream on top. Well, it may not be the best dessert but just being able to share food with my honeybee, whether yummy or not, satisfies me. After Secret Recipe, I asked her again, what do you think we're going to do next. No prizes for guessing that she got it right again. Istana Park to Camwhore and talk. Sounds random right? Well Istana Park was the place we went to have our green Nasi Lemak to celebrate our first month together. It really brought back a lot of memories. Anyway, there I passed her the final part of the presents. This photo was the first photo we took together. I can't say enough how much it means to us. At the back of the photo were some words. Once again, they're secret. We had a really great time at the Istana Park, watching people dancing and taking silly photos. It was a really meaningful day. To Mel: Hey favourite S, I'm glad we had that day together. It really made me think of how much we've grown since we first got to know each other. All the memories we've shared over this months are priceless. We had good and bad times. We laughed and cried, sometimes both together. But it could only be because we mean so much to each other. I want to shout out to the world, through the internet. I want to tell everyone how blessed I am to have you as my girlfriend. I won't take it forgranted. Cause you're the one for me, and no one can take your place in my heart. Take my hand, lets never let go. In the good times and bad, we'll be supporting each other. Even until our hands are old and wrinkly. I love you Thursday, September 4, 2008My Sister's Blog Shop
Hey everyone! Check out my Sister's Blog Shop! I'm doing some free advertisements for her.
I think some of her Clothes are not bad, and the prices are quite reasonable too. If you're nice to me I can get you some discounts too. Haha. Click here! Her blogshop is newly opened with fresh ideas. Go check it out. Wednesday, September 3, 2008The cry of my heart.
Here I am a sinner, broken and in need of you
Take my life and wash my fears away For you are the great I am, rest assured into your hands Let the whole world know that you are here Father to the fatherless, redeemer of my soul My life is your forever, my heart will always know Your mercy saved me, your mercy made me whole, Your mercy found me, called me as your own A fresh start I will treasure. Monday, September 1, 2008Weekends.
On Saturday,
I went to rent a dvd titled "Fools Gold". I then happily went to Mel's house to discover that the disc was faulty and it couldn't play. There 5 dollars gone. We spend half the day watching TV and then headed out to cityhall. I went to meet Q at cityhall. I wanted to go to bay beats with Mel but I told Merv I'll be going for Q cause I thought it was lesson. I met Alexis and Nathanial first and then went to hunt for a wallet for Nathanial's friend's birthday. It was quite a fun experience cause he really couldnt make up his mind. Anyway, Q went to Settlers Cafe in SMU. There were 6 of us in total, Merv, Small Jon, Alexis, Clifford, Me and Nathanial. We ordered the deluxe package. It comes with a basket of nuggets, Sotong balls and chicken wings + 6 drinks. We played Bites Munchkin. It was quite a fun game. Anyway, we stayed there until about 10pm and then left. After that, I got to meet my honeybee outside the Esplanade for Bay Beats :) It really made my day. Seeing her cheered me up. We stayed until 11.50 and then left. I only managed to catch Agrikulture. It was an Indonesian band that was not bad. We took our respective night bus home. I had a really great time. And it was my first experience on a night bus. Yesterday, I went to Comex 2008 with my dad. After squeezing through the crowds, we managed to find what we wanted. He got me a Western Digital 500gb external hard disk and a Creative 2.1 Speaker system. Thanks Daddy! Its my advance Birthday present, btw its on 12 September. Today, I stayed home to study. Mel came over and cheered me up :) |